About the Artist
Turkey Lurkey
Oil on Canvas
24" x 20"
I guess my love of art started at an early age. I was three when my parents found me with a drawing of a bird that I had done - I have no idea how good it was, but at least they could tell it was a bird! In my teenage years, one of my favorite pastimes was to draw with pencil the portrait of someone from a photograph or a magazine picture. The thrill was to make it look just like that person and I loved doing it.
My interest in the "visual" continued as I majored in Interior Design at ECU with a minor in drawing. I've been working as an interior designer for years, and while I love that avenue too, I have always kept an art project going on in the background.
Seven years ago, I started taking an oil painting class from Andy Braitman here in Charlotte - and from there, the door was opened and I could never go back! There is a lot to know about oil painting; the challenge and the thrill continue for me every time I paint, and I love putting together the seemingly endless array of colors.
I hope you enjoy what I have done here - thank you for your interest!
[more information and/or resume upon request]